This state is evolving as we are continually asking questions to ourselves if it is correct or not.

We are in a technological revolution where we have been seeking material security and comforts. We have graduated from collectively to more mature and spiritually aware states.

We should be aware that the man has evolved continually and will continue to do so. The Second Insight of The Celestine Prophecy It is a collective experience of mankind and a journey ahead where we are led forward by mysterious coincidences. There is a new kind of spiritual awakening happening all around. One has to be aware of the “coincidences” in one’s life. And they happen for a purpose as a guiding signpost for events in life to come. One should be aware of the little happenings in life that happen. You have the option of acknowledging them and acting accordingly or ignoring them. The First Insight of The Celestine ProphecyĬo-incidences happen by a larger purpose in life. The nine insights he comes to know and experience are: As the novel progresses, he experiences new wisdom, a new lightness, enhanced spiritual awareness, and a lot more. Interlaced with drama and dramatic twists, step-by-step he gets the nine insights and the clarity required in his life. He embarks his journey to learn more about the manuscripts and the ancient wisdom, hoping that it can tell him the meaning of life. An old friend calls him out of the blue and tells him about the secret manuscript and his interest in them is kindled. The Celestine Prophecy revolves around the central character whose life seems to be going nowhere. However, there are a few people who secretly support the manuscripts and help them reach the mankind, much to the chagrin of the authorities. However, this kind of cognizance is not well received by the Church and the Government who seek to suppress it as they believe that the nine insights are misguiding the people and they would move away from the teachings of the religions. It helps them make a cross over from this world to a mentally enhanced and spiritually aware state. This ancient manuscript fascinates all those who read. It is about an ancient manuscript that is discovered in the rain forests of Peru. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield is an enlightening piece for literary work. The Celestine Prophecy predicts a massive evolution and transformation in our society and it is predicted to take place sometime in the last decades of the 20th century. And it also lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come. The book says that whatever is happening in your life is not a mere coincidence but a message or indication from a different energy level. Based on ancient wisdom and drawing it inspiration from it, the book urges you to make connections among the events happening in your own life right now. The Celestine Prophecy contains messages and secrets that are changing our world and the way we think.